16 Position Channel Bezel - DPH, GPH, EPH Series Radios
BK Technologies
SKU: PARE1405-30093-200
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- Replacement 16 position channel bezel for non Command Bendix King Legacy series DPH, GPH, and EPH radios
What is the 1405-30093-200?
The Bendix King Legacy series, GPH and EPH series radio channel bezel with 16 positions repair part. This is not compatible with Command series radios.
Works with:
- DPH Series Non Command Bendix King Radios
- GPH Series Non Command Bendix King Radios
- EPH Series Bendix King Radios
Why choose the 16 Position Channel Bezel?
The replacement channel bezel is used in the repair of Bendix King DPH series Non Command radios, GPH series non command radios, and EPH series radios.